Recruitment position

Title of position
monthly salary
Job requirements
  • Solderer (Iron Hand)
    Comprehensive salary: 5500-6000/month
    Regular day shift

    Job requirements:

    1. 5 people.

    2. 18-43 years old, male or female, healthy, without tattoos.

    3. Can use soldering iron and can easily weld.

    Salary: Base salary+overtime pay+performance bonus (100-500)+full attendance bonus+social security+accommodation+meal allowance of 208 yuan/meal, with meal card.

  • SMT operator(5 people)
    Comprehensive salary:6000-7000/month
    Work in second shifts

    Job requirements:

    1. 18-40 years old, male or female, healthy, without tattoos.

    2. Experience in operating Yamaha (YS24, YSM20 ') equipment is preferred, and experience in operating other models is also acceptable.

    3. Familiar with various electronic materials and able to work night shifts.

    4. Salary: Base salary+overtime pay+performance bonus (200-1000)+full attendance bonus+night shift subsidy of 20 yuan/night+social security+accommodation+meal allowance of 208 yuan/meal, with meal card.

  • Android Application Engineer

    Job responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for Android Launcher development and optimization;

    2. Responsible for the development and design of Android software;

    3. Adapt to different chip schemes using Launcher.

    Job requirements:

    1. College degree or above in unified recruitment, with at least 3 years of experience in Android development, familiar with Android multithreading, network protocols, front-end databases, and other related experience;

    2. Having experience in device operation control, able to independently develop Android apps;

    3. Proficient in using the four major components of Android and message queues, familiar with multi-threaded programming;

    4. Familiar with mobile network communication mechanisms, with a deep understanding of Socket communication, TCO/IP, and HTTP communication;

    5. Technical proficiency requires basic functions such as Android Studio, Android SDK, Kotlin, Gradle, Android delay function, Android memory leakage and management.

  • Sales Engineer (Domestic, Foreign Trade)

    Job responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for exploring domestic/overseas markets, maintaining customer relationships, and real-time understanding of customer needs;

    2. Achieve the department's established sales and profit targets, and execute sales plans;

    3. Follow up on customer delivery dates, shipments, and collect payments, coordinate and resolve customer issues;

    4. Collect customer information through various channels, develop customer resources, and search for potential customers;

    5. Complete other tasks assigned by superiors.

    Job requirements:

    1. No gender limit, college degree or above, major in marketing or related fields;

    2. Priority given to sales experience in 3C electronics industry, security industry, and intelligent hardware;

    3. Possess strong business communication, stress resistance, execution skills, team spirit, and professional ethics.

    4. Foreign trade sales require familiarity with foreign trade business processes, with English as the working language. Priority will be given to those with experience in customer development on Alibaba's B2B platform.

  • Production elongation

    Job responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for the overall operation of the line body;

    2. Arrange production according to the production plan and allocate employees reasonably;

    3. Complete production tasks with quality and quantity within the rated time;

    4. Guide employees to standardize their operations and train new employees entering the factory;

    5. The management of 6S on site and the control of labor discipline in this class.

    Job requirements:

    1. Experience in production site management is preferred for electronic products such as set-top boxes, security cameras, mobile phones, tablets, etc;

    2. Capable of independently organizing, arranging, coordinating, and coordinating various production elements (personnel, materials, processes, equipment, etc.) to achieve goals;

    3. Good physical health, hardworking, strong sense of responsibility, able to actively abide by company rules and regulations, and obey management;

    4. Salary is based on a monthly salary system (base salary+performance).

Interview address:No. 291 Zhenxing Road, Guangming District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province - IK Group

Contact tel:(0755) 23200825 (Extension number: 8899)

Interested parties may bring their resume to the company for an interview.

IK Group welcomes you to join!